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Leadership in Practice

Gary is a knowledgeable and skilled speaker and writer of leadership, management and business in general practice and primary care. If you would like to commission Gary to write an article, feature in an interview, podcast or webinar, or sit on a panel, please contact

Featured In

Please check out the podcasts and published articles Gary Hughes has featured in.


The Business of Healthcare Podcast with Tara Humphrey

Gary Hughes is a practice manager at the Waterfield practice in Berkshire and provides consultancy services, supporting practice managers and partners to develop their general practices. Tara talks to Gary about how he balances the strategic and day-to-day operational aspects of his role. Gary also discusses the role of social media and brand for general practices, and the ways practices can harness digital channels to reach their audiences. Tara asks Gary how his practice is adapting to the introduction of primary care networks and the two discuss how practice managers can effectively work with GP partners. They round off their conversation with a chat about how practices can reach out to encourage the next generation to consider primary care as their career destination of choice.

This is Gary Hughes second appearance on The Business of Healthcare Podcast. He joined me back in Episode 2 where he shared a behind-the-scenes look at his role as Practice Manager, the opportunities for growth and some of the challenges he has faced. If you haven’t already, definitely have a listen to the episode here.

Gary joins me again to tell us all about his brand-new book ‘Leadership in Practice’. Gary tells us how the concept of the book started as weekly LinkedIn posts. The book is for those working in healthcare in a leadership role, but is also for those looking for inspiration, motivation, leadership and management advice. It is full of practical advice as well as light-hearted funny moments. He also shares the goals for his practice over the next 12 months, and the key lessons he has learnt from his Primary Care Network.

You are not a frog with Dr Rachel Morris

The General Practice podcast with Ben Gowland

In this episode, Rachel is joined by Gary Hughes, author of the book Leadership in Practice, blogger, educator and facilitator who is a Practice Manager by day. We chat about how leadership in the COVID-19 crisis has had to adapt, and the different roles that a leader has had to take. Whether you are leading an organisation, a small team or even just working in a group of colleagues, compassion, kindness and clarity has never been more important. We talk about the three phases of the response to any crisis – the preparation period, the active period and the recovery period. People’s behaviours can be very different through the three phases varying from kindness and support to disillusionment, fatigue and let’s face it, some plain old bad behaviour! Setting clear boundaries, and knowing a clear vision for yourself, your team and your organisation is key.

The spotlight is on Practice Managers and their crucial role in shaping and influencing new ways of working in a network-based world. Gary Hughes has a wealth of experience in this area and here shares his insights on the impact of the PCNs on practice managers, where the role evolves and fits within a wider network community and how practice managers really feel about the changes.


Mastering change management.

Practical Strategies for Primary Care Leaders.

With Will Gao and Gary Hughes


In our latest webinar, Suvera co-founder Dr Will Gao and special guest presenter Gary Hughes (founder of Leadership in Practice) hosted an event dedicated to empowering primary care leaders to navigate and manage change effectively.


We were delighted to collaborate with Gary for this session. With over 30 years in healthcare, his wisdom and guidance in the session proved invaluable. And now, we are bringing the session to all those who couldn't attend on the day.

The session covers the following topics:


  • Gaining Insight: Understand the nature of change in primary care and the necessity behind it.

  • Develop Strategies: Learn to create a clear vision and goal, and identify barriers to change.

  • Master the Dynamic Change Model: Explore the unique 4-part model tailored to primary care.

  • Mobilise: Optimise resources for modern primary care.

  • Celebrate Success: Discover how to measure and communicate your achievements.


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7 Key ingredients for a successful business in primary care


Management in Practice, London, September 2024

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The Accidental Leader


Yorkshire Practice Managers Conference, September 2019

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Great Leaders lead Great Teams


Leicestershire Practice Managers Conference, October 2018


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