When a practice is going through a crisis leaders need to make sure they’re leading a caring culture.
I’m pleased I’m being asked if I’m ok, and I’m also asking the same of others, and listening and offering support and reassurance.
See who’s struggling
Look out for signs of changes in mood, such as body language, attitude towards work and anxiety.
Ask if they’re alright
If you’re concerned ask if things are ok, they might be relieved. Do it discreetly, and be sensitive and supportive.
You don't need to have the answers, sometimes simply listening can be a great help too.
Check on remote workers
Don’t forget those not in the practice, instead phone or video call them. Even a simple text message lets them know they’re not alone and forgotten.
Make work adjustments
Encourage and monitor breaks and where possible make sure the high stress tasks are shared across the team.
Provide support beyond the workplace
External personal pressures can be magnified, so where you can help by allowing requests for leave and flexibility.
Be open yourself
You’re not immune so speak up. Talking about your problems can help others talk about their own struggles.
As the leader you’re key to a caring culture, so stay close to the team and show you care..