I’m fond of telling our team they have a real ‘can do’ attitude.

What I’m telling them is that whatever crisis appears they all pull together to overcome it, knowing what’s needed, without anyone instructing them. They’re also willing to change and develop, prepared to give new things a try and ready with their own ideas.
It’s a great thing and if I had to say why they’re a ‘can do’ team it’s because:
They make their own decisions for solving problems, and organising and completing the work effectively.
They use initiative and readily put forward new ideas and suggestions.
They support each other when it’s required and know they, and their decisions, are supported.
They understand their responsibilities along with the impact and importance of completing them correctly.
Everyone works effectively and happily together as a team, and across different teams, to successfully manage workload and meet goals.
All this has a big, important impact. It builds a deeper, more powerful sense of caring for each other and the organisation. They want to be successful and want the same for their practice.
I’ve no doubt these are crucial factors in creating the ‘can do’ attitude but may not be the only things.
Maybe you build your own ‘can do’ teams in other ways?