The leader and manager in general practice is often the same person, the Practice Manager. Both roles are vitally important, demanding time, energy and focus and neither should be neglected. But getting the right balance isn’t easy; it can be the toughest challenge for a Practice Manager.

It needs to be one where the practice runs smoothly, keeps moving forward and the manager and leader is fulfilled and motivated. It helps to understand the differences between management and leadership, so you know where your time is spent.
Managers will:
Rely on control
Have a short range view
Ask how and when
Reacts to change
Leaders will:
Inspire trust
Take a long range perspective
Asks what and why
Create change
Managers, make sure everything needed is available. They set objectives, direct and create procedures and may be more concerned with goals than the team.
Leaders, will inspire and set the right example. They focus on the vision, keep the practice moving forward, and connect with the people and teams.
So, if you’re feeling nothing is improving or moving forward.
Stop, and ask are you managing or leading?
If all you’re doing is managing, adjust the balance and make time for leading.