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How good is your patient induction?

When you register new patients do they have an induction? Probably not, but shouldn’t new patients be given rules and expectations the same as a new employee?

Mostly they decide themselves how they should behave and what is expected. But what if the aim was:

To ensure each patient adds value to the practice. Not wishful thinking if you consider how important the initial expectation setting for a new employee is. Shouldn’t patients be told the rules they have to follow? Should these expectations be promoted and enforced? What if on registration at the practice patients were: Told how the appointment system works, what not to expect and what to expect

Informed of their responsibility to call ahead to book reviews, not wait to be called

Given Choose Well advice and told they had to follow it

Told they must use online services and EPS as the first option

Expected to participate in the Patient GroupInformed of their responsibilities in representing the practice positively

Told when and how they should communicate with the practice

What if all expectations were in a patient charter that had to be signed upon registration?

Patients have responsibilities and need to be educated and maybe the practice needs to do it.


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