I’ve left my job after completing a 3-month notice period. It went well; in fact, I couldn’t have wished for better.

A notice period is something you’d rather not do, the focus on getting through it, rather than what can be achieved. But it doesn’t have to be like that; it’s down to the approach you take.
With eyes on the future, it’s easy to mentally check out and coast to the end, or worse fall into negative ways, but in a notice period you have new responsibilities.
If you want a notice period that leaves a legacy rather than trashing a reputation, then focus on these:
Keep leading.
Don’t check out early but continue providing the leadership and get the team ready to continue after your departure.
Keep moving forward.
The organisation’s goals still stand, so keep working to achieve them. If you can leave things in place that help this, then do it.
Empower and delegate.
It’s time to ask, “I won’t be here soon so what will you do?” Help the team get ready for what comes next.
Maintain relationships.
Don’t damage them but make them last by recognising those who’ve helped and supported you.
Don’t waste time on a written handover.
Leave scope for those who follow, to do it in their own way.
When it’s time to leave, it’s best to leave well.