We all do it.
Moan about how bad and broken primary care and the NHS is.

It’s so easy to do, whether that’s through frustration or following the crowd, but don’t let it be a reflection of your own leadership.
A great post by Tara Humphrey, MBA called this out, and rightly challenged;
“How can we ensure that we encourage and support the next generation of healthcare leaders within our sphere of influence?”
The answer to that is ‘positive leadership’.
Leaders need to lead by example and if they want to influence their organisation, primary care and others they’ll only do that by making sure their leadership is positive. If leadership is a mixture of skills, then a positive leader will be:
👍 Inspiring
👍🏻 Visionary
👍🏼 Motivating
👍🏽 Supportive
👍🏾 Encouraging
👍🏿 Confident
👍 Resilient
👍🏾 Positive
Positive leadership can be learnt, and if you want to know if you're demonstrating positive or negative leadership just answer this one question:
❓ Does what I say and do have a positive or negative impact on the team and others?
It’s easy to moan, and we all do it, but you’ll achieve far more by being positive.rol.