ARRS roles have been a great success and have transformed primary care. They are now a permanent and significant part of our teams, and it’s as certain that these roles, and the teams they are a part of, will continue to evolve.

But what if we were re-imagining ARRS roles and our teams, to tackle some of the challenges we face. Beyond the clinical what might these look like? How creative could we be and what impact could this have?
For help with the real thorny issues, how about:
🙋🏼♂️ Administration and Bureaucracy Buster
🙋🏾♀️ Complaints Resolver
🙋Compliance and Regulations Observer
Or for solving your workforce woes:
🙋🏾♂️ Apprenticeship and Careers Guide
🙋🏻Recruitment and Retention Leader
🙋🏼♂️Workforce Wellbeing Warden
🙋♀️ Volunteer Gatherer
And to work with patients, reducing your workload, and keeping them healthy and happy:
🙋🏻♂️ Patient and Community Engager
🙋🏽♀️ Patient Education Instructor
🙋🏾 Self-Care Tutor
Or creating new income streams:
🙋🏼♂️ Diversification Architect
And for getting your messages out to the world:
🙋♀️ Social Media, Communications and PR Master
My tongue may be in my cheek a little, but as is often the case there’s a serious point too.
That’s to think creatively, for how you can solve your problems. The best, or only option, isn't always to do what you’re told you can do, and only have what you’re told you can have.
Instead think, what do you need? You’re a business and any other business would look at a problem and get what’s needed to solve it.
So, this is either a bit of fun and wishful thinking, or food for thought?
I’ll leave it for you to decide.