General practice is a business, but is there a focus on this at your practice? Do the owners, the partners, fully understand their responsibilities? Is there a lack of, or inconsistent focus on the business issues, and limited depth to the discussions?

It’s not unusual.
The Practice Manager has the responsibility of reminding the partners their practice is a business, and educating them in what that means and the responsibilities they have as business owners. The PM should make sure this is a consistent ongoing agenda with a dedicated time out to do this.
There’s no better time than the practice business meeting, your ‘board’ meeting, a regular monthly event. Are you doing this?
Is your agenda focused on the areas that tell you how the business is doing; the accounts and KPI's? Are you focused on, and discussing, key strategic and operational issues and not day to day details and concerns? When you make decisions do they ensure the security of the business, and improve it for the employees and patients? Or are they to protect the partners’ income?
When it’s your time to talk business the Practice Manager should be leading. You don’t have to be the meeting Chairperson but you should certainly be driving and informing the conversation.