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Can independent practices work together?

I’ve often heard the argument that collaborating in a PCN or sharing resources is difficult because practices are independent businesses. Even when it’s not explicitly said I sense it’s an opinion often held.

Doctors hands consoling patient


It’s complete nonsense.

Successfully working in a network and collaborating is absolutely possible for independent businesses. There is a rich history of this, including in healthcare.

Maybe what independent means isn’t fully understood, or focussed on too much. It is ‘independent’ in that it’s privately owned. That doesn’t change through collaborating in a PCN.

As an independent business you have your own contracts, team, brand, premises, vision, services, resources and patients. These aren’t lost or damaged by collaborating in a PCN.

Equally, being independent doesn’t automatically mean you’re successful, and success matters far more.

It’s important to remember the PCN DES is not telling us to merge into one, it’s inviting us to work together. It works if you:

👥 Engage with an open mindset and find where it will make you stronger.

👥 Create a shared vision and a strategy to add to, and improve, what your practice has already, not replace it.

👥 See it as a chance to strengthen your practice not reduce your independence.


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