Are you brave enough to act on your convictions?
A recent LinkedIn post I saw posed the question;
“How will you be remembered, and what is your contribution?”

It made me reflect on how I’d personally answer this. I feel the lasting impact we make is so dependent on our courage and how much we stand by our convictions.
A legacy is important, especially for those in leadership roles. There are many in primary care who are doing great things that will have a lasting impact. I wonder how many others are on the edge of doing that, just needing a little extra bravery.
I also believe the current climate in primary care is the ideal canvas on which to create something standout and positive.
For my personal answer to the question above.
There are times I haven’t been brave enough and I know I have missed opportunities. There have been other times I’ve been braver, which have gone on to have a positive lasting impact.
We might not always have enough confidence to act on our ideas, but don’t let them die without ever seeing the light. Test them out and share them with others, it can give that extra you need. I’ve been grateful in the past to many friends and colleagues for exactly this.
Primary care needs new ideas and disruption. It needs those brave enough to stand up front, not worry what others think and to not be afraid of failure. It is a time to make a contribution that will be remembered.