No one to change the lightbulbs, unblock the toilets or fix the printer. Patients would have no one to moan at, and who’d console the stressed GP.
No Practice Manager, it’s just a daft idea, isn’t it?
Actually it’s not a daft idea.
Many Practice Managers are burning out, often in silence and unseen. Others are leaving the role for careers where their considerable skills are more appreciated and the stress is lower.
Now seriously, imagine a practice, your practice, with no Practice Manager.
Who would ensure the many claims are sent off to bring the money in?
Who would pay staff, suppliers, HMRC and pensions?
Who would lead the practice team?
Who would receive the important communication coming in, immediately knowing how it should be managed?
Who would lead the practice through CQC?
Who would be the go to person, holding things together and running the practice?
Of course a world without Practice Managers wouldn’t happen, not least because they’re so committed, resilient and capable. But without support for Practice Managers it could be a reality for some practices.
A practice without a Practice Manager. It’s not something you’d want to imagine but It is something to be fearful of.