Greater resilience for practices is a priority. It’s not just about individuals but how we build our organisations.

Practices can be one unavoidable problem from disaster but if resilient you will be able to weather difficulties to quickly recover. This is your 10-point plan to build your resilience, which if you can say yes to each, then you’re probably a resilient Practice.
Flexible Systems – focus on the outcome you need, not a rigid process.
Multi Skilled Staff - able to work in more than one role if needed.
Sustainable Finances - maximise income, control spending and keep reserves.
Measure What You Do - and monitor to avoid unwanted surprises.
Be Decisive – don’t procrastinate make decisions if needed.
Good Networks and Relationships – inside and out, to inform and support you.
No Single Reliance – share your knowledge and skills and have a plan for ‘failures’.
Willingness to Change – it’s a necessity for progress so embrace change.
Understand Your Purpose – everyone must understand and work towards the overall aim.
Leadership – be at the front guiding the practice forward and understand the importance of resilience.
It’s essential that practices build resilience, so start building now.