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You need to stop the moaning!

Doctors hands consoling patient

Have you got a moaner in your team?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but constant moaning is energy draining and divisive. Left unchecked it can be damaging.

Ignoring or shutting down the conversation only fuels it. Instead a manager needs to deal with it at the first sign, and in the right way.

First pause to consider:

Is there substance to it, or is it just a moan?

If needed dig a little to find the answer.

YES, there’s a reason for it...

  • Thanks those who raised it and remind them of the proper channels to do it.

  • Let them know you’ll investigate and address the issue.

  • Say you may call on them to help you.

Make it clear that whenever issues are genuine, they’ll always be addressed.

NO, it’s just a moan...

  • Take action as soon as you see a pattern starting.

  • Talk to the moaner and make it clear their behaviour is having a damaging and negative effect.

  • Remind them of their responsibility to represent the practice positively and the values expected.

  • Make it clear that their current behaviour cannot continue and you expect it to stop.

These can be difficult conversations so managers need to be trained and empowered to have them. They should call out negative comments and lead the way in turning negative comments into positive conversations.


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